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Complete titles can be entered, if known. Otherwise individual words which appear in the title (e.g. "Bobbio and democracy" or else just "Bobbio" or just "democracy") can be entered as keywords. The search results will list titles containing the keyword(s). If several keywords are entered using this type of search function, as opposed to an exact title, keep in mind that the results will include only titles in which the keywords appear as a single expression. For example, entering "political" and "theory" as keywords might result in the title "Political Theory", but not in "Juridical Theory and Political Science". The Advanced Search option, which operates on the principles of Boolean logic, allows the user to search for titles containing multiple keywords. Thus an advanced search for a combination such as "political" and "theory" or else "political" and "science" or "philosophy" will result in a list of titles containing the specified keywords in any order.
N.B. Special characters and accents are not recognized. Use unaccented vowels, e.g. "societa".